Bird Photos, Random Favorites
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"Razorbills, Menemsha"
Photograph |

"m. adult red phalarope"

"f. adult red phalarope"

"Storm Petrel Meets Chaplin"
Digital Photo |

"Red-necked Phalaropes"

"Wilson's Storm Petrels"
Digital Photo |

"Coops in Ott"

"November Hummer"

"November Hummer 2"

"RC Kinglet with YB Sapsucker"

"Ruby-crowned drinking"

"Yellow-billed cuckoo"

"YB Cuckoo"

"Blue-Headed Vireo"

"Blue-headed Vireo No.2"

"Vireo No.3"

"Long-billed Dowitchers"
Digital SLR |

"Long-billed Dowitchers 3"
Digital SLR |

"Piping Plover chick"

"Great Blue on Monhegan"

"Avocet, Norton Point"

"Awesome Razorbill, Menemsha Pond"

"Great Egret, Shark Valley, FL"

"Black-backed Woodpecker, PEI"

"Herring Gull, breeding adult"

"Sooty Shearwater off the Gay Head Cliffs"

"Snowy Plovers at Malibu"

"Bosque Del Apache, NM dawn"

"Eel Pond Turnstone No 1"

"Willet straight on, Sengekontacket"


"Subadult Gannet"

"Humpback snack"

"Long-tailed Jaeger"

"Greater Shearwater"

"Another youngish Gannet"

"Black-crowned Night Heron"

"Yelow-crowned Night Heron"

"White-faced Ibis"

"Marbled Godwits"

"Ruddy Turnstone"

"Semipalmated Sandpiper 2"

"Winter Waxwing"

"Menemsha Oystercatcher"

"Barn Owl Primary"
Digital Photo |

"Little Blue diving at Shark Valley, FL"
Digital Photo |

"Red Phalarope at the Beach"
Digital photo |

"Hopi Eider"
Digital photo print 10X17 |

"And they're off!"
Digital photo |
I shoot in digital and mostly have used a Canon 7D Mark II, Canon 100-400mm IS L-series zoom lens, often with a 1.4X teleconverter, always hand-held. Beginning in the fall of 2021, I have been using an Olympus OMD E-M5 III mirrorless Micro Four Thirds (MFT) body with an Olympus 100-400mm IS zoom lens.
My bird photos have been published in The New York Times, The Cape Cod Times , The Martha's Vineyard Times and The Vineyard Gazette. They are extensively used in slide presentations and in print media by non-profit conservation organizations. I have been published in Birder's World magazine, in Bird Observer and on the covers of two recent books about birds and wildlife on Martha's Vineyard Island.
What first turned me on to taking photos of bird life were two inspiring events: having the New York Times Science Times publish my photograph, taken over the bow of my kayak, of three very out-of-season Razorbills spending the summer of 2001 on Menemsha Pond, Chilmark, on Martha's Vineyard; and the appearance of the now famous, to bird watchers at least, Red-footed Falcon that the late Vern Laux discovered near the Katama Airport on Martha's Vineyard in August of 2004.