Lanny McDowell Art
Paintings and Photography


Bosque Del Apache, NM dawn

Bosque Del Apache, NM dawn

winter 2002


Approx. 25,000 Snow Geese and 15,000 Sandhill Cranes overnight in the shallows and fly out to the cornfields to feed during daylight, returning to roost each night until early March.

If you are interested in this piece, please call: 508-696-8826

Lanny McDowell owns and licenses all photographs, illustrations, text and fine art that are part of this website, that are mailed to Avian Friends or that are in any way produced by Lanny McDowell; and they are protected by the Copyright laws of the United States. Their reproduction, modification, transmission, upload or publication are prohibited without express written permission. Images and products sold through this website are intended for private use and display only.